2020-02-26 来源:小柯机器人
美国国立卫生研究院John S. Tsang研究组近日取得一项新成果。他们发现健康个体对疫苗的反应与系统性狼疮患者病理表现的共有特征基础是广泛的免疫激活。2020年2月24日,国际学术期刊《自然—医学》在线发表了这一成果。
对流感疫苗免疫应答高或低的健康人的82种表面蛋白和53,201个单细胞转录组CITE-seq分析显示,该特征反映了浆细胞样树突状细胞I型IFN-T / B淋巴细胞网络中的活化程度。该发现揭示了调节此类免疫基线可以改善疫苗反应性并减轻不良自身免疫反应。
Title: Broad immune activation underlies shared set point signatures for vaccine responsiveness in healthy individuals and disease activity in patients with lupus
Author: Yuri Kotliarov, Rachel Sparks, Andrew J. Martins, Matthew P. Mul, Yong Lu, Meghali Goswami, Lela Kardava, Romain Banchereau, Virginia Pascual, Anglique Biancotto, Jinguo Chen, Pamela L. Schwartzberg, Neha Bansal, Candace C. Liu, Foo Cheung, Susan Moir, John S. Tsang
Issue&Volume: 2020-02-24
Abstract: Responses to vaccination and to diseases vary widely across individuals, which may be partly due to baseline immune variations. Identifying such baseline predictors of immune responses and their biological basis is of broad interest, given their potential importance for cancer immunotherapy, disease outcomes, vaccination and infection responses. Here we uncover baseline blood transcriptional signatures predictive of antibody responses to both influenza and yellow fever vaccinations in healthy subjects. These same signatures evaluated at clinical quiescence are correlated with disease activity in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus with plasmablast-associated flares. CITE-seq profiling of 82 surface proteins and transcriptomes of 53,201 single cells from healthy high and low influenza vaccination responders revealed that our signatures reflect the extent of activation in a plasmacytoid dendritic cell–typeI IFN–T/B lymphocyte network. Our findings raise the prospect that modulating such immune baseline states may improve vaccine responsiveness and mitigate undesirable autoimmune disease activity.
DOI: 10.1038/s41591-020-0769-8
Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-020-0769-8