林寰东,博士,复旦大学附属中山医院内分泌科副主任医师。现为上海市医学会糖尿病专科分会,骨质疏松专科分会委员。中华医学会内分泌学分会肝病与代谢学组、骨代谢学组、高尿酸血症学组成员,上海市医学会内分泌学分会肝病与代谢学组、甲状腺学组、性腺学组成员。《Gout and Hyperuricemia》杂志编委,《中华全科医师杂志》通讯编委。从事内科及内分泌临床和科研工作二十多年,在糖尿病与脂质代谢异常、糖尿病心脑血管慢性并发症的防治、代谢综合征、甲状腺结节等疾病诊治以及糖尿病、骨质疏松症等慢性疾病的社区防治方面有着丰富的临床工作经验。作为课题负责人承担国家“十一五”科技支撑项目子课题一项;作为研究骨干先后参与国家科技部“十五”、“十一五”科技攻关和科技支撑计划项目和上海市卫生局“临床流行病学重点学科建设”等多项科研项目。专家门诊时间:周三全天,周五下午近五年发表的文章:1、Ma H, Lin H, Hu Y, Li X, He W, Jin X, Gao J, Zhao N, Gao X. Serum levels of osteocalcin in relation to glucose metabolism and carotid atherosclerosis in Chinese middle-aged and elderly male adults: the Shanghai Changfeng Study. Eur J Intern Med. 2014 Mar;25(3):259-64.共同作者2、Ma H, Lin H, Hu Y, Li X, He W, Jin X, Gao J, Zhao N, Gao X. Mean Platelet Volume in Relation to Carotid Atherosclerosis in Normotensive, Euglycemic, and Normolipidemic Chinese Middle-Aged and Elderly Adults. Angiology. 2014 Feb 17;65(6):512-518.3、Shan Y, Lin J, Xu P, Zeng M, Lin H, Yan H. The combined effect of hypertension and type 2 diabetes mellitus on aortic stiffness and endothelial dysfunction: an integrated study with high-resolution MRI. Magn Reson Imaging. 2014 Apr;32(3):211-6.4、Lin H, Yan H, Rao S, Xia M, Zhou Q, Xu H, Rothney MP, Xia Y, Wacker WK, Ergun DL, Zeng M, Gao X. Quantification of visceral adipose tissue using lunar dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry in Asian Chinese. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2013 Oct;21(10):2112-7.5、Ma H, Lin H, Hofman A, Hu Y, Li X, He W, Jeekel J, Jin X, Gao J, Zhao N, Gao X. Low-grade albuminuria is associated with carotid atherosclerosis in normotensive and euglycemic Chinese middle-aged and elderly adults: the Shanghai Changfeng Study. Atherosclerosis. 2013 May;228(1):237-42.6、Li X, Xia M, Ma H, Hu Y, Yan H, He W, Lin H, Zhao N, Gao J, Gao X. Liver fat content, evaluated through semi-quantitative ultrasound measurement, is associated with impaired glucose profiles: a community-based study in Chinese. PLoS One. 2013 Jul 2;8(7):e65210.7、Yan H, Chang X, Xia M, Bian H, Zhang L, Lin H, Chen G, Zeng M, Gao X. Serum retinol binding protein 4 is negatively related to beta cell function in Chinese women with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: a cross-sectional study. Lipids Health Dis. 2013 Oct 27;12:157.8、Li X, Xia M, Ma H, Hofman A, Hu Y, Yan H, He W, Lin H, Jeekel J, Zhao N, Gao J, Gao X. Liver fat content is associated with increased carotid atherosclerosis in a Chinese middle-aged and elderly population: the Shanghai Changfeng study. Atherosclerosis. 2012 Oct;224(2):480-5.9、Yuan Y, Ikram MK, Jiang S, Lin H, Ren L, Yan H, Sheng J, Chen X, Gao X. Hyperuricemia accompanied with changes in the retinal microcirculation in a Chinese high-risk population for diabetes. Biomed Environ Sci. 2011 Apr; 24(2):146-54. doi: 10.3967 /0895-3988.2011.02.009.10、Gao X, Hofman A, Hu Y, Lin H, Zhu C, Jeekel J, Jin X, Wang J, Gao J, Yin Y, Zhao N. TheShanghaiChangfeng Study: a community-based prospective cohort study of chronic diseases among middle-aged and elderly: objectives and design. Eur J Epidemiol. 2010 Dec;25(12):885-93.11、胡一顺,李潜,林寰东,史玲,马慧,陈玉华,高鑫.跟骨定量超声骨强度在骨质疏松筛查和诊断中的价值[J].中华内科杂志,2015,54(1):27-30.通信作者12、林寰东.二肽基肽酶4抑制剂的临床应用[J].中华全科医师杂志,2014,13(1):22-24.13、史玲,林寰东,马慧,沈小华,沈丽萍,高鑫.上海市社区妇女围绝经期症状和需求分析[J].中华全科医师杂志,2013,12(12):955-959.通信作者14、林寰东,高键,马慧,李小明,宋斌斌,潘柏申,盛建华,陈旭昇,高鑫.中老年人群25-羟维生素D与代谢综合征关系的研究[J].中华内分泌代谢杂志,2013,29(10):840-845.15、林寰东,颜红梅,饶圣祥,姚秀忠,高鑫.经脐水平测定腹围与腹内脂肪体积关系的研究[J].中华内分泌代谢杂志,2012,28(2):121-125.16、程彧彧,林寰东,高鑫. 2型糖尿病患者初始胰岛素剂量与代谢参数的关系[J].中国临床医学, 2010,17(4):530-532.通信作者17、卞华,林寰东,饶圣祥,姚秀忠,曾蒙苏,周健,贾伟平,高鑫.肝脏脂肪含量与胰岛素抵抗及胰岛β细胞功能的关系[J].中华内分泌代谢杂志, 2010,26(7):535-540.18、姚霞,孙蔚,林寰东,纪元,高鑫.口服葡萄糖耐量试验呈糖尿病模式的胰岛素瘤[J].中华内分泌代谢杂志, 2010,26(8):730-731.